Gina Linde alias Nebelhorn
Gina's life was full of adventure before she discovered mime artistry. She tried many things, technical cybernetics, programming, theater, writing, historical research in women's History, media design and was always on the move. Then she studied mime and clownery.
Berlin is her chosen city. She has been working here as a freelance artist since 2002. Sometimes as a mime, sometimes as a clown, sometimes as a theater teacher, sometimes as a puppeteer, but also as a clown or mime teacher. Today she works a lot with children but enjoys working with adults just as much. She's already looking forward to her next adventure.
- Die Schule ist kein Hexenhaus (School is not a witch's house), Language development courses using drama methods for children at different Kreuzberg schools and kindergartens , Theaterbündnis Blumenstrauss e.V.
- Dreams in a wasted city, european youth project, theatre workshop teacher, Theaterbündnis Blumenstrauss e.V.
- Ongoing clown course for teenagers, Theaterbündnis Blumenstrauss e.V.
- Performance as Morgenstern und Nebelhorn, mime and bass, Kreuzberg festival of lights, Mehrgenerationenhaus Wassertor(multi-generation-house Wassertor)
- Theatre and mime workshop at the Moserschule, Charlottenburg
- Clown and mime workshop at a european youth project Feuer+Wasser=Zirkus (fire+water=circus), Theaterbündnis Blumenstrauss e.V.
- Puppet performances and workshop Labyrinth Kindermuseum (Children's Museum), Compania Dreckspatz
- Regenbogenfische im Landwehrkanal (Rainbowfish in the Landwehr canal), Theatre project with the first/second class at the Bürgermeister- Herz- primary school , Kreuzberg
- Inselleben am Mariannenplatz (Life on a island on Mariannenplatz), Theatre project with a primary school projekt at the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus, Kreuzberg
- Regenbogenfische im Landwehrkanal (Rainbowfish in the Landwehr canal), Theatre project with the first/second class at the Bürgermeister- Herz- primary school , Kreuzberg
- Regenbogenfische am Mariannenplatz(Rainbowfish on Mariannenplatz), Theatre projekt with the first/second class at the E.O.Plauen- primary school , Kreuzberg
- Projekt Theatre, Language development und Movement at different schools and kindergartens in Kreuzberg
- Children's rights project at different schools in Kreuzberg, in collaboration with the Kinderhilfswerk
- Performances with the rod puppet Johnny, Compania Dreckspatz
- Circus und Clown theater project at the, Freie Schule Baek
- Die wilden Kerle (The wild guys) and Bir varmis, bir yokmus,Two puppetry projects with migrant families, Kreuzberg
- Participant at a Clown workshop, Gabriel Chame Buendia
- Foundation of Compania Dreckspatz, rod puppet construction and puppeteering, clown troop with the rod puppet Martina und Johnny
2002 - 2004
- Puppetry with the Kleinen Bühne Berlin
- Teaching assignment for mime at the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal
- Mime corporel and Choreographie courses, at the ETAGE, Berlin
- Clownery and mask course, TuT Hannover
- Atem und Stimme (Breath and Voice) course, mimecentrum Berlin
since 2002
- Active as a freelance mime artist
1997 - 2000
- State approved mime course at the ETAGE, Berlin